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Selected Song Lyrics, Glass Eyes and 22 (OVER S∞∞N) 

Song: Glass Eyes

Artist: Radiohead

Album: A Moon Shaped Pool


Hey it's me
I just got off the train
A frightening place
Their faces are concrete grey
And I'm wondering, should I turn around?
Buy another ticket
Panic is coming on strong
So cold, from the inside out
No great job, no message coming in
And you're so small

Glassy eyed light of day
Glassy eyed light of day

The path trails off
And heads down a mountain
Through the dry bush, I don't know where it leads
I don't really care

And the path trails off
And heads down a mountain
Through the dry bush, I don't know where it leads
I don't really care

I feel this love to the core
I feel this love to the core

Song: 22 (OVER S∞∞N) 

Artist: Bon Iver

Album: 22, A Million


It might be over soon, soon, soon
Where you gonna look for confirmation?
And if it's ever gonna happen
So as I'm standing at the station
It might be over soon

There I find you marked in constellation (two, two)
There isn't ceiling in our garden
And then I draw an ear on you
So I can speak into the silence

It might be over soon (two, do, two)
(Two, do, two, two, do, two)

Oh and I have carried consecration
And then you expelled all decision
As I may stand up with the vision
Caught daylight, goddamn right
Within our eyes there lies a scission
(It might be over soon)


One of my most treasured resources I came across in my research, The Beckett Country is an expansive collection of images of Samuel Beckett's country of origin. It provides not only an incredible amount of evocative images, but also provides biographical context and connections to the distinctly Irish topographic references present in Beckett's work.

  • Pinterest

"You know, he's not standing over you with his hand over his heart. He's not trying to sell you anything. He's not being sentimental. And thus, there's a lot of space to come to as a viewer. you know, you're invited to bring your own landscape. And as an actor, I mean it's just so vast. These characters are more like creatures. They're a slice of life. And that's a very expansive gift to be given." - Lisa Dwan

this website was created by chelsea e. drumel, production dramaturg for villanova theatre's beckett!

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